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Cătălin DUȚU

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Ioana Iuna ȘERBAN



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În presă

Business Review
Unveiling “The Picasso Effect”
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Business Review delves into the intricate journey that brought Picasso’s iconic masterpieces to Romania and explores the profound impact of his art on the Romanian contemporary art scene with Erwin Kessler, curator of the groundbreaking exhibition titled “The Picasso Effect” and the director of the MARe Museum in Bucharest.

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Jubileu Picasso în muzeele lumii
Efectul Picasso
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În România, MARe/Muzeul de Artă Recentă Bucureşti, în colaborare cu Muzeul Picasso din Paris, va prezenta expoziţia Efectul Picasso (25 septembrie-8 ianuarie), în cadrul căreia vor fi expuse, pentru prima dată la noi, 46 de lucrări de Pablo Picasso, printre care o serie de tablouri faimoase, unele de mari dimensiuni, care au marcat evoluţia artei mondiale, acestora urmând a li se adăuga 50 de lucrări de artişti români moderni şi contemporani

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Romania Insider
Picasso paintings to be exhibited in Romania for the first time
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Pablo Picasso lived between 1881 and 1973, and the half of a century since his passing will be marked through dozens of exhibitions around the world, including the one in Bucharest. Acclaimed museums like the Pompidou Center, Guggenheim Bilbao, the Brooklyn Museum, the Beyeler Basel Foundation, the Royal Museum of Fine Arts in Brussels, or the Von der Heydt Museum will be among those to host Picasso exhibitions in the same period.

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